On this page we will keep adding LINKS to websites which we feel would be of interest to our Homestay Guests OR
which give you a bit more information about our interests.
Please note that the LINKS are in no particular order...likely they will be in the order that they are added to the list.
The best and cheapest way to get to Vancouver Island from 'the Mainland' of British Columbia!
Check here for schedules, routes etc. anywhere in Canada.
We are very involved in GUIDES CANADA: Christine is Brown Owl/Contact Guider with 1st Cedar Brownies, and also
Co-Public Relations Adviser for Nanaimo River District. Heather is in her 13th year of Guiding, and is a Junior Leader
with 1st Cedar Brownies.
Ian has been a member of SCOUTS CANADA since Kindergarten...Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and now Rovers. He
has attended many Camps - big and small - and even gone to Scotland with his Venturer Company in '04.
Similar to WWOOF but less emphasis on organic and farming...the Hosts could be needing any kind of help, almost anywhere,
in exchange for Homestay. Some limits of course! Check this out too!
We are now PropertyGuys.com Cowichan Valley! check us out!
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